©2023 – Dr Dennis Shavelson – FootHelpers | concept by www.thewriteonecs.com
Welcome to the Home of Restorative Biomechanics®
A Full Service
Flagship Restorative Biomechanics™ Certification, Education, and Product Fulfillment Website.
Foot Centering Biomechanics: Biomechanics That Puts Your Needs First
Restorative Biomechanics™ (RB) has replaced Foot Centering Biomechanics as proven advances and new innovations have been added these past two years, It is an approach
to Biomechanics that focuses on cures and root causes with applications in foot and ankle surgery, sports and regenerative medicine, pain and complaint therapy and coaching and training, It gives many professionals the ability to diagnose a foot or postural complaint and diagnose and treat and often improve the foot and postural structure and function nonoperatively.
We end the frustration of having large amounts of available high tech data that cannot be translated into treatment protocols that leave you offering band-aid care to the
problem when you know you could do better. We do this by offering evidence-informed biomechanics that is fun to present, market and implement.
We offer cost-effective Certifications and mentoring Restorative Biomechanics™ that start at $100 US with our earn as you learn option and a money back guarantee if it doesn’t add to your fun and income in practice.
The forces of Gravity and Ground Influence (GIF) combined must be overcome to keep us standing still and erect and moving and tasking, Restorative Biomechaniics™ starts at the feet in contact with the ground and works its way up the postural chain.
Feet have two mandated responsibilities:
1. Our Feet supply foundational stability and balance for standing, tasking and moving.
2. Our feet must morph between being a rigid lever or a flexible, adaptive biomachine thousands of time a day supplying support to stand and flexibility for movement.
Restorative Biomechanics™ tests for and through treatment, establishes an optimal vacillating equilibrium between all joint’s Supinatory End Range of Motion (SERM) and its Pronatory End Range of Motion (PERM) utilizing our Patented Functional Foot Typing® System..
Treatments include Foot Centering Wedges™, Stabili-T-tape® Applications and Dynamic Foot Braces™ that improve the stabilliy, support, strength, symmetry abd balance of the feet and posture.
Schedule an Appointment
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Restorative Biomechanics™
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The BioKickstand of the Foot
several medical words you cannot see
Foot Centering Wedges
Dynamic Foot Braces
Certification Testing
Functional Foot Typing
Foot Centering Kinesiology Taping and Foot Centering Wedges Application
Dynamic Foot Braces