©2023 – Dr Dennis Shavelson – FootHelpers | concept by www.thewriteonecs.com
FootHelpers.com is the educational, certification and community website of Foot Centering Biomechanics (FCB) and its tools for professionals who are frustrated with biomechanics and orthotics.
Foot Centering Biomechanics diagnoses, develops plans for, and treats lower extremity and postural complaints and injuries as they relate to the body as a whole “from the ground up and not their segments.
Foot Centering Biomechanics is creating a community of like-minded professionals and technicians seeking a wellness paradigm that integrates unity and harmony as well as a consensus for practicing the effects of forces, good and bad, acting on mans ability to stand, move about and task efficiently and injury.
FootHelpers.com provides you with tips and tricks that show you exactly how you can unlock the superhero potential within your practice by giving you an evidence informed algorithm that you and your staff can be truly be proud of. We are patented, trademarked and have corrective and curative expectations that can be learned by everyone including coaches, trainers, therapists or healthcare professionals in a cost effective and timely manner. We remain as mentors allowing you as much influence over your academic biomechanics so you can focus on your clinical and financial success instead.
Foot Centering Biomechanics enables you to improvement the stability, support, strength, symmetry, and balance (S-S-S-S-B biomechanics) of your clientele when it comes to living a healthy life without medications, injuries or band-aid cures.
With the guidance of our consulting team and laboratory partners, you will be equipped to conquer obstacles, streamline operations and optimize and expand your patient base which will boost your happiness, your mental health and your practice revenue.
FootHelpers.com continues to gain followers because we continue to add education, high-tech products, internet marketing, new success stories, anecdotes, and research to its accolades with less and less insurance and government regulation dependence.
Consider an appointment for a discovery discussion or begin the certification process by becoming certified in Foot Centering Biomechanics today. Click here!
Schedule a fifteen-minute courtesy consultation.