©2023 – Dr Dennis Shavelson – FootHelpers | concept by www.thewriteonecs.com
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Flagship Restorative Biomechanics™ Certification, Education, and Product Fulfillment Website.
Foot Centering Biomechanics: Biomechanics That Puts Your Feet First
Restorative Biomechanics™ (RB) has been refined, published and practiced Internationally over the past two decades under the leadership of Dr Dennis Shavelson, The Einstein of Human Movement™. New and Fresh Terminology, Diagnostic Tools and Treatment Programs have replaced the myths and folklore of previous theories that do not explain the science and practice of human stance and performance on the surface of the Earth simply and understandably.
The Gravitational Force of Earth is constant and high enough to do three things: 1. Pull down objects to the Surface of the Earth 2. Age and deteriorate objects pressed to the surface 3. Allow objects that can generate forces greater than gravity to stand up, move and task.
Logically, Biomechanics begins at the surface of the Earth and goes up the posture as the body cannot generate forces greater than gravity. The Foot is the organ in direct contact with the ground.
Each Foot has 28 bones, 33 joints and 112 ligaments. Feet are motorized by 21 intrinsic muscles and 13 extrinsic muscles. Feet are too complex to understand so they are often left out of the literature, examination and treatment when it is probably the most important organ of human movement. Its job is to dampen the negative effects of Gravity and Ground Force while maintaining Stability, Support, Strength, Symmetry and Balance (S-S-S-S-B Action Forces) of the body foundationally. Feet collapse, deform, degenerate and weaken as they age unless they are maintained and repaired throughout life.
FEET and HUMAN MOVEMENT – RIGID LEVER and FLEXIBLE ADAPTER Mechanics Feet morph thousands of time a day throughout our functional lifetimes because its bones can stiffen to act as one (Rigid Lever) or be separated, loose and flexible to move around, change direction and task and perform (Flexible Adapter). Although other parts of our bodies and postures can stiffen and flex, no other body part can stiffen as well as our feet that are on the ground and in diagnosing and treating human movement.
When feet fail to stabilize, support and balance the posture, their biomechanics has become too flexible and not stiff enough. They collapse and cannot maintain their arches and structure.
This results in poor performance and human movement and problems such as bunions, hammertoes, heel pain and Achilles tendonitis. Even worse, areas up the posture try to stabilize, support and balance us at the surface of the ground BUT THEY CANNOT! This results in ankle, leg, knee, thigh, hip, pelvic and low back compensatory complaints.
THE IMPORTANCE OF THE KICKSTAND OF THE FOOT The Kickstand of the Foot is the most complex machine of human movement. It is the location in the foot where the morphing from Rigid Lever to Flexible Adapter occurs. The joint of the Kickstand is the 1st MPJ (the bunion joint). The Kickstand works of the sagittal plane. It engages when the 1st metatarsal plantarflexes and it disengages when the 1st metatarsal dorsiflexes like on a bike or scooter. Other than walking and slow running (The Gait Cycle), Almost all human movement occurs and changes in movement occur in the front of the foot
(Like a Bicycle). Accelerating, decelerating, cutting, changing directions, backward or side to side motion only involve the front of the foot. The Rigid Lever function of the foot starts at the Kickstand and goes back to the rearfoot and then up the posture driven by the force of all of the muscle engines that work the foot against the ground
We offer cost-effective consulting, mentoring and certifications in Restorative Biomechanics™ that start at $100 US with our earn as you learn option and a money back guarantee if it doesn’t add to your fun and income in practice.
Our Foot Centering Wedging™ System, Kinesiology Tape Applications and Dynamic Foot Braces™ provide skyward forces to counteract Gravity and Ground Force
and engaging forces to the Kickstand of the Foot that improve the Rigid Lever Function of the foot that was never addressed with custom foot orthotics.
Restorative Biomechanics™ eliminates prescriptions and insurance coverage for most licensed and certified Healthcare Professionals including Physicians, Chiropractors, Podiatrists, Physical Therapists and DPT’s, Coaches and Trainers.
Take the mystery and complexity out of Biomechanics. “I’ll Let You Be In My Dreams If I Can Be In Yours. BOB DYLAN
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Restorative Biomechanics™
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The BioKickstand of the Foot
several medical words you cannot see
Foot Centering Wedges
Dynamic Foot Braces
Certification Testing
Functional Foot Typing
Foot Centering Kinesiology Taping and Foot Centering Wedges Application
Dynamic Foot Braces